Debit Cards
Complete a TotalBen Commuter Card Contact Form in order to obtain Transit / Parking Debit Cards for your employees. Comply with the law in your city, requiring companies with a certain amount of employees to offer a transit benefit (such as NYC, San Francisco and Washington DC).What are the steps?
- First-time employers should complete the Commuter Card Contact form
- Scan a copy of the completed order form to CardServices@TotalBen.com or
fax a copy to (718) 535-7071 - Employer will receive an eMail providing the web-portal address
along with credentials. Access the site at:
totalben.lh1ondemand.com - Enter the employee demographics into the portal
on or before the 13th of the month (not sure how? See the Quick Start Guide or
access the click-thru demo at https://invis.io/QTVZCUAGHZ5)
Want to prepare for what is needed on the website?
Review the detail for the:- Invoices are sent out about the 15th of the month.
They are due immediately upon receipt.- Payment must clear our bank by the 21st in order for employee cards and balances to remain active.
Payments may be made in one of two ways:- Setting up Debit ACH - complete the ACH form and email or fax it back along with a copy of a voided check. The voided check is a bank requirement.
- Mail a check, made payable to TotalBen LLC, to:
TotalBen LLC
PO Box 100496
Brooklyn, NY 11210
- Debit cards for newly enrolled employees are mailed out around the 20th of the month. They are mailed directly to the employees home in an envelope that looks like this:
Employees receive two debit cards at no cost. Replacement for lost, stolen, discarded or undelivered cards are $5.00, no exceptions. We do not charge S&H to send out cards initially, but can not be responsible for a secondary request, for any reason. The employer assumes this obligation.
Employees should NOT discard their cards.- All debit cards active in the prior month automatically reload.
- Clients requesting changes to the system or the invoice after the invoice is sent out will be charged a $100 processing fee. The 13th is the cutoff for all changes. Off-cycle changes are not allowed and require manual processing by various internal entities, warranting a special service charge. Kindly comply with the timeline posted for a pleasant experience.
- Invoices are sent out about the 15th of the month.
Debit Cards Mass-Transit & Parking, nationally
Setup & Annual Renewal - $0.00
Per Participant Fee - $1.35
Processing Fee - 3.50%
Shipping & Handling - $0.00
Minimum Order - 1